Megatrends: Additive Manufacturing, lightweight construction for the automotive sector, Industry 4.0 & ecoMetals
In June 2019, Düsseldorf turns into the hotspot for international foundry and metallurgy technology: Around 2,000 international exhibitors will take part in the world’s leading trade fairs GIFA, METEC, THERMPROCESS and NEWCAST from June 25 to 29.
The trade fair quartet covers the entire range of foundry technology, casting products, metallurgy and thermal processing technology in an extensive depth and scope. The main players of the industry are present in the capital of the Rhine region, as well as smaller, innovative companies. Around 78,000 visitors from around the world are expected to attend the industry highlight in 2019. “The USP of this trade fair quartet is its almost complete market coverage, both with regard to offer and demand. The global players and market leaders will be represented at GMTN and present the current megatrends, innovations and state-of-theart technology in twelve halls,” explains Friedrich Kehrer, Global Portfolio Director Metals and Flow Technology at Messe Düsseldorf GmbH. “No other trade fair offers visitors such a comprehensive overview of the industry. In light of the current industry environment and such relevant topics such as Additive Manufacturing, Industry 4.0 or the huge potential of automotive lightweight construction, we are looking forward to a ground breaking GMTN,” says Friedrich Kehrer. The international coverage of the “Bright World of Metals” will be accordingly large in 2019. Experience shows that more than half the visitors come from overseas and Europe.
To make it easier to navigate the trade fairs, the individual halls have been structured thematically and / or have individual focal points. These are the following:
GIFA Hall 11: Pressure die casting and peripheral devices
GIFA Hall 12: Gating and risering technology Foundry chemistry
GIFA Hall 13: Special show for “Additive Manufacturing”
Special show “Casting Technologies”
GIFA Meeting Point
GIFA Forum
GIFA Halls 15-17: Foundry machinery and plants, Manufacturing patterns, die and
core making
METEC Hall 3: Forging technology
METEC Halls 4-5: Plant engineering, components and suppliers
THERMPROCESS Hall 9: Symposium
THERMPROCESS Hall 10: FOGI special show
NEWCAST: Halls 13 and 14 including NEWCAST Forum (Hall 13)
The second important success factor of “Bright World of Metals” is the expert supporting programme with international congresses and industry meetings such as the GIFA Conference, the European Steel Technology and Application Days/ESTAD, the
European Metallurgical Conference/EMC, the THERMPROCESS symposium or the NEWCAST forum. Awards ceremonies play an equally important role, such as the NEWCAST Award and special shows such as the one that the Research Association of Industrial Furnace Manufacturers in the VDMA/FOGI puts on for the various industries.
The Special Show for Additive Manufacturing premiers at the GIFA in Hall 13. Whether you work in pattern and die making, in core making or in direct metal printing, foundries and their suppliers can open up tons of unforeseen potential using additive manufacturing. “We wanted our special show to provide a platform to unlock this potential”, explained Gerrit Nawracala, Deputy Director for Metals and Flow Technology at Messe Düsseldorf GmbH. “GIFA will provide a powerful boost for the industry, particularly in e-mobility and lightweight construction in the automotive industry. This was recently proved in a study on
the influence of electromobility on the foundry industry and its products initiated by the Confederation of German Foundry Industry (BDG). According to the study, alternative drive concepts such as hybrid and electric drives require increasingly high casting quantities in comparison to those for single drives on a combustion motor, and this will continue to be the case up until to 2030.” It is probable that the peak in demand for casting will only
be reached in 2030, according to the study from the BDG, thus providing optimal conditions for GIFA 2019.
ecoMetals & ecoTrails
With the ecoMetals campaign, the GMTN deals with a current topic that is becoming increasingly more important. Here, the focus lies on the aspects resource and energy efficiency, climate protection as well as innovative procedures and products.
Exhibitors presenting products, solutions or process steps that are related to at least one of these topics can register these with the GMTN team. Visitors, on the other hand, can obtain information on this topic in our special brochure or find out more about the ecoMetals exhibitor offer online. In addition, we will be offering guided tours especially for interested visitors, as we did at GMTN 2015.
GIFA: A hotspot for technological highlights
The GIFA has been a hotspot for technological highlights and innovations for the entire value-added chain in casting technology for decades, and will prove itself once more in 2019. Over 900 exhibitors, hailing from all the leading countries, will appear in Halls 10 to 13 and 15 to 17. Among them are world market leaders such as Bühler AG (Switzerland), ASK Chemicals (Germany), FOSECO (Germany), Hüttenes Albertus (Germany), Kuka Deutschland GmbH (Germany), Loramendi S. Coop (Spain), the Sinto Group. A great number of industrial players from China and Italy have also already registered for this trade fair.
METEC 2019: The 10th edition is set for success
In its 10th edition, the International Metallurgical Trade Fair with Congresses will continue to build on its success from 2015: over 500 exhibitors from around the world will present systems for manufacturing iron ore, steel and non-ferrous metals, or for casting or moulding steel and equipment and components for metallurgical plants, rolling mills and steelworks in Halls 3, 4, and 5. The following companies have confirmed that they’ll be exhibiting: Inteco (Austria), Primetals Technologies Ltd. (UK), RHI Magnesita (Austria), SMS Group (Germany), Tenova S.P.A. (Italy) and Sinosteel (China). For the first time, forged parts will also be presented at METEC. Until now, these were part of NEWCAST.
However, due to their growing importance they are better suited to the Metallurgical Trade Fair.
Industry greats at THERMPROCESS
With around 50 percent of participants coming from outside Germany and around 300 exhibitors, THERMPROCESS also belongs to the world’s leading trade fairs and is a must-attend event for international suppliers. This also reflects the current registration levels, with many industry greats on the list: Ajax Tocco Magnethermic GmbH (Germany), Andritz März GmbH (Germany), Electrotherm (India), Honeywell Thermal Solutions – Elster GmbH (Germany), Inductotherm Europe Ltd (UK), ITG Induktionsanlagen GmbH (Germany) and Seco/Warwick Europe (Poland) will display technological trends surrounding industrial ovens, industrial heat generation plants and thermal processes for precious metals, carbides, ceramics, steel and iron as well as in the field of components and equipment and processing and auxiliary materials.
NEWCAST: The most international trade fair
Right on time for the fifth edition, NEWCAST has become a significant international trade fair. In Halls 13 and 14, over 400 exhibitors demonstrate just how global the production of cast parts has become. Market leaders use this platform to exhibit, such as the Rexroth AG (Germany), Finoba Automotive GmbH (Germany), GOM GmbH (Germany), Gießerei Heunisch (Germany), Eisenwerk Brühl (Germany), Kimura Foundry Co. Ltd. (Japan), Kutes Metal Inc. (Turkey), Lomopress (Italy) and Waupaca Foundry (USA). Another striking factor in this trade fair are the large numbers of participants hailing from China, India and Turkey.
The ticket shop will go online at the beginning of February, 2019
Interested visitors can purchase their ticket to GMTN 2019 online in advance and print it out at home. Doing this gives you the benefit of using the Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Ruhr (VRR) public transport network free of charge with your ticket. In addition, you can secure lower prices by booking online rather than paying onsite: Online day tickets cost 45.00 Euros (instead of 64.00 Euros) and an unlimited ticket for the entire run of the trade fair costs 100.00 Euros (instead of 130.00 Euros); student and pupil tickets can only be purchased on presentation of the corresponding legitimation in the entrance area to GMTN and cost 18.00 Euros.
The Bright World of Metals
The GIFA (International Foundry Trade Fair), METEC (International Metallurgical Trade
Fair), THERMPROCESS (International Trade Fair and Symposium for Thermo Process
Technology) and NEWCAST (International Trade Fair for Castings) are a set of four
international technology trade fairs and will be held across 14 halls from 25 to 29 June
2019. It is expected that they will receive over 2,000 exhibitors and around 78,000
visitors. Casting products, foundry technology, metallurgy and thermo processing
techniques will be shown to the world over the course of five days in the capital of the
Rhine region. The trade fairs are accompanied by a high-quality program including
seminars, international congresses and series of lectures. For further information,
please visit,, und
Press Show in India

A multi-city press conference/meet/presentation for GIFA, METEC, THERMPROCESS and NEWCAST (GMTN 2019) along with dinner & networking was conducted in Coimbatore dated February 05, 2019 and in Pune dated February 06, 2019.
Both events witnessed attendance from several media and exhibition industry professionals.