IAEE Guidelines for Display Rules and Regulations COVERDALLAS, 2 October 2014 – The International Association of Exhibitions and Events™ (IAEE) has updated its Guidelines for Display Rules and Regulations to promote continuity and consistency among North American exhibitions and events. This revised 2014 edition is a resource for exhibitions and events organizers to use in creating consistent and fair exhibiting standards for their events. It is the model for most domestic exhibitions and events and therefore recommended that exhibitions and events organizers include a copy in the exhibition or event prospectus and/or exhibitor rules and regulations.
“Periodically, IAEE organizes a task force of its members to review, discuss and update the existing Guidelines for Display Rules and Regulations, which exhibition organizers and their exhibitors use in producing their events,” notes IAEE Guidelines for Display Rules and Regulations Task Force Chairperson Tom Corcoran. “It had been three years since the last review of these guidelines. In this edition, the changes consist of minor tweaks and some additional information to help the reader, as well as updating several graphics.”
These Guidelines afford exhibitors a maximum return on their exhibit investments. Compliance with fire, safety, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and other state, federal or provincial government requirements are addressed. In the 2014 edition, further clarification was submitted in the following areas: It is IAEE’s goal that the Display Rules and Regulations, ultimately developed by each exhibitions and events organizer, will provide exhibitors with all the information necessary to properly design and build exhibits, as well as plan their exhibit’s layout and content. Show organizers should present the professional standards expected of exhibitors. Finally, organizers should assure all exhibitors, regardless of exhibit size or location, an environment conducive to successful interaction with their audiences.
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