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TFT Breaking: AAHAR 2021, AMTEX 2021 license cancelled by Delhi Police?

The decision, if not reversed will have a huge setback on the Exhibition sector.

After the stint of successful exhibitions organized in New Delhi NCR in the last one week such as Ride Asia, Indus Foods, SATTE & Convergence India, there is a sudden setback for the Exhibition Industry – this is in spite of the revised SOP’s issued by the Ministry of Commerce on 23rdMarch which is being strictly followed by all Exhibition Organisers.

TFT has in it’s in possession, the copy of the cancellation sent by Delhi Police’s Exhibition Licensing Department to the Organisers of the Exhibitions in the first fortnight of April 2021. The police has cited that the reason for cancellation is the Order of Delhi Disaster Management Authority on the cancellation of all public gathering events during the festivals in NCT of Delhi.

The news comes as big shock for the Exhibition sector which is already fighting for it’s existence in the country.

TFT spoke with at least two Organizers affected by this sudden cancellation of the permissions and learnt that the exhibitors of these exhibitions have already started sending their display materials at the venue. The decision, if not reversed will have a huge setback.

The order dated 23rd March 2021 directed that “Public Celebrations and gatherings, congregations during upcoming festivals like Holi, Shab-e-Barat, Navratri etc. shall not be allowed in public places/public grounds/public parks/markets/religious places etc. in NCT of delhi”

You can find the release order here.
