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NürnbergMesse: Hall 3C Already Casts a Spell

Hall 3C has only reached its topping-out ceremony, but one thing is already clear: it will be a jewel, and a new attention-getter in the southwest corner of the exhibition centre. And as Hall 3A did before, it combines the highest standards of both quality and energy efficiency, regionality and internationality. As NürnbergMesse CEO Peter Ottmann points out, Hall 3C once again manifests the fairgrounds’ magic spell: “An idea has given rise to a successful new product. I’m impressed by the terrific work from our trades people and the team at Zaha Hadid Architects.” And Ottmann’s co-CEO Dr Roland Fleck points up another connection: “Our current investment campaign is earning us a leading position as an attractive location for trade shows and conferences. And the construction of Hall 3C is a brilliant embodiment of innovation and investment at our Nuremberg exhibition centre.”

• Topping-out celebration for the new Hall 3C: Construction within budget and on schedule
• Total investment about EUR 70 million, including infrastructure work
• Starting fall 2018: Almost 10,000 m2 of future exhibition area bearing the mark of star architect Zaha Hadid
