Yogesh Mudras, Managing Director of UBM India, talks with TFT in a one on one. He shares his thoughts about things related to the Upcoming 26th Edition of SATTE 2019.”
TFT – Can you tell us about the upcoming SATTE 2019?
YM – This year SATTE – South Asian Travel and Tourism Exchange will be celebrating its 26th anniversary, which will start from January 16th till January 18th. SATTE will provide a widespread platform to domestic and international buyers and professionals from across the travel, tourism and hospitality industry along with National and State Tourism Boards (NTOs and STOs) to gather together and promote tourism in India.
The venue of the event this year has been changed from Pragati Maidan to the Indian Expo Centre, Greater Noida for 2019 and 2020 edition, considering the challenges faced, such as redevelopment and a lot of construction activities which are creating inconvenience for participants, we had to shift the venue. Indian Tourism Industry has also supported the decision of venue change and it will not only enhance the overall experience, but will also enable the participants to do smooth business without their time being wasted at the entry and exit point. We have also ensured to provide seamless transportation from the capital to the venue.
TFT – What is the main reason of organising this exhibition? What objective does it hold?
YM – This annual three day B2B show is aimed to bring together the key leaders from travel industry under one roof. It assembles Indian & International exhibitors and buyers to start new partnership and strengthen business. SATTE 2019 is also backed by Indian & International associations such as World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), Indian Association of Tour Operators (IATO), Travel Agents Association of India (TAAI), Association of Domestic Tour Operators of India (ADTOI), Travel Agents Federation of India (TAFI), IATA Agents Association of India (IAAI), India Convention Promotion Bureau (ICPB), Universal Federation of Travel Agents Association (UFTAA), Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) and Enterprising Travel Agents Association (ETAA) to name a few, which will help analyze trends, forecast future developments and will help businesses flourish.
TFT – How many exhibitors are participating? Are the participants only India or International as well? What is the exhibitor profile for this show?
YM – SATTE 2019 witnessed a tremendous response from the industry in its pre phase, 1,000 exhibitors have already registered and we have confirmation for representation from over 50 countries and 90 cities from across India for this year. The three-day expo will also witness several exciting partnerships and announcements that promise to indicate in new trends in the industry. So far among international, Ministry of Tourism Indonesia is the feature destination for SATTE 2019 and Tourism Authority of Thailand, Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board and Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau are partner countries & Partner States for it are Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Goa. Apart from that Qatar Tourism Authority, Sharjah Commerce and Tourism Development, Tourism Council of Bhutan, DNATA, Japan National Tourist Office and many more are the key exhibitors of SATTE 2019.
TFT – Who should visit this exhibition?
YM – Last year we celebrated Silver Jubilee of SATTE in 2018, and this year for SATTE 2019 we have already witnessed a record-breaking number of registrations for its Domestic Buyer Programme. 500 domestic buyers from across the portfolio has already registered three months before the exhibition. The 26th edition will witness footfall from a wide range of visitors that include tour operators, travel agents, wedding planners, corporate travel decision makers, potential Investors in the field of hospitality, leisure and travel industries as well as location planners from leading Television and Film production houses.
TFT – Can you elaborate for our readers, which issues require attention and will be discussed at SATTE India Conference 2019?
YM – India is a land of great tourism potential. The wide variety in the landscape offers a range of choices to tourists from within India and abroad. Apart from the natural landscapes, the cultural heritage spread across the country also offers huge potential for the development of tourism in the country. India has been recognized as a destination for spiritual tourism for domestic and international tourists. International tourist arrivals in India are expected to reach 30.5 million by 2028. Despite of merits, the path to a well-developed tourism is surrounded with a number of challenges. SATTE 2019 will be a perfect place to address those potential challenges in Tourism Industry right from security, globalization, taxation till Visa issues etc as it brings National and International organisation under one roof.