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CTW Asia-Pacific 2017’s New Platinum Sponsor FCM Travel Solution

05 September 2017, Singapore: Platinum Sponsor FCM Travel Solutions, a best 5 worldwide travel administration organization dealing with the travel programs for a portion of the world’s driving corporate brands will display an Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology grandstand and offer their expertise as a specialist at the current year’s twentieth edition of the corporate travel administration conference, hardening their position as an idea pioneer in the industry.

Eminent for their very personalized administration and world-class detailing arrangements, FCM has been in the bleeding edge of front line technology advancement to enhance voyager experience and availability. CTW Asia-Pacific will be their platform in Southeast Asia to present Sam, their progressive chatbot fuelled by AI and an invigorated technology suite.

Said Bertrand Saillet, General Manager, Asia of FCM Travel Solutions, on their cooperation at CTW Asia-Pacific, “CTW Asia-Pacific has dependably been a viable stage for us to coordinate with key chiefs and drive deeper, significant discussions to comprehend their travel administration challenges. We bring ceaselessly with us these learnings and work on growing additional item offerings to address the issues of the travel supervisors and voyagers. ”

In a period where the line amongst business and recreation travel is obscuring, FCM infuses energy into corporate go by enhancing and thinking of new answers for meet the advancing desires of the voyagers. To this end, FCM will share their experiences on AI, how it’s being utilized as a part of the diverse industries, particularly travel, what it intends to the voyager and what’s in store, finishing off with an exhibit of their pocket chatbot, Sam.

With its constant interest in R&D and mission to enhance their client experience from end-to-end, FCM Travel Solutions is very much situated to meet the testing requests of corporate go over all industries.

“We are continually endeavouring to present new technology that improves the explorer experience and lift profitability and to accomplish that, we always lead little concentration bunches with our clients to try out thoughts and ideas before they are actualised and propelled in the market. This is to guarantee that these new activities are in accordance with what they need and need” says Saillet.

FCM Travel Solutions has nearness in more than 90 nations, with the most recent expansion being Myanmar. FCM has recently combined its Asia district operations to convey a consistent and reliable travel answer for corporate clients all through the locale.

For CTW Asia-Pacific, engagement choices go past a solitary aspect to empower supports like FCM Travel Solutions to accomplish its image building and market initiation objectives. Intrigued supporters can contact for more subtle elements on tweaked sponsorship bundles.
