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India Energy Storage Alliance (IESA) commemorates World Energy Storage Day by organizing policy roundtable

Pune : To recognize on the first World Energy Storage Day, India Energy Storage Alliance (IESA), India’s driving organization together on vitality stockpiling will compose India Energy Storage Policy Forum on 23rd September 2017 at Delhi. The goal of this forum is to have an exchange between figured pioneers from industry and the arrangement producers to recognize approach needs that can help drive appropriation of vitality stockpiling in India and make India a worldwide center for assembling of cutting edge vitality stockpiling advances by 2020.

In this strategy forum, key government bodies that are taking a shot at controls that influence vitality stockpiling, microgrids and electric vehicles will be a piece of the roundtable. The administration association spoke to will incorporate NITI Aayog, Invest India, International Solar Alliance, Ministry of Commerce and Industries, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Ministry of Power, Central Electricity Regulatory Commission, Central Electricity Authority, Department of Science and Technology, Indian Railways, Power Grid Corporation of India, National Thermal Power Corporation, Solar Energy Corporation of India and others. The key themes secured amid the exchange will be on:

  • Vitality Storage for sustainable combination, framework applications and subordinate administrations
  • Lessening diesel utilization for cleaner air and diminishing expense of vitality for buyers
  • Enhancing matrix versatility and guaranteeing vitality access for 24*7 power for each subject through Micro lattices and Distributed Generation
  • Quickening selection of Electric vehicle and Charging Infrastructure
  • Driving development and propelled vitality stockpiling fabricating in India

With Energy Storage ascending to the cutting edge crosswise over US, Europe, China, Asia and Australia, the Global Energy Storage Alliance (GESA) has declared 22nd September as the World Energy Storage Day to recognize its significance. The objective of GESA is to propel training, coordinated effort, learning and demonstrated structures about the advantages of vitality stockpiling and how it can be utilized to accomplish a more proficient, cleaner, dependable, reasonable and secure electric power framework universally.

Why 22rd September? The sun – the biggest wellspring of normal vitality – has held much significance through the ages and individuals have accumulated all through time to revere the sun amid the times of solstice and equinox with exceptional customs. The Autumnal equinox happens on 22rd September and the day and night are of around level with length i.e. the day is adjusted. Vitality stockpiling can assume a gigantic part in framework adjusting, control supply-request administration and recurrence direction. So to recognize the adjusting impacts of Energy Storage, 22rd September was picked as an adept date for the World Energy Storage Day.

Talking on the advancement, Dr. Rahul Walawalkar, Executive Director, IESA, stated, “We are eager to celebrate 22nd September as the World Energy Storage day. The India Energy Storage Policy Forum will help give an immediate stage to industry and arrangement producers to communicate and discuss on the urgent strategy choices that can decide open doors for vitality stockpiling, microgrids and EVs in India. We trust that this discourse will likewise quicken ventures for assembling of vitality stockpiling and related biological community in India.”

About India Energy Storage Alliance (IESA):

The India Energy Storage Alliance (IESA) was propelled in 2012 to survey the market capability of Energy Storage Technologies in India, through a dynamic exchange and consequent examination among the different partners to make the Indian industry and power area mindful of the huge requirement for Energy Storage in the precise not so distant future. IESA means to make India a Global Hub for research and assembling of cutting edge vitality stockpiling advances by 2020.
