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Meeting Experts Conference (MEXCON 2018) in Wiesbaden

MEXCON members to join the worldwide meetings industry as the main visitors in the new RheinMain CongressCenter in June 2018.

The city of Wiesbaden in the Rhein-Main territory is facilitating the following Meeting Experts Conference (MEXCON), occurring from 20 to 21 June 2018 in the RheinMain CongressCenter (RMCC). Following a three-year development period the RMCC is set to be a standout amongst the most creative conference centers in Germany when it opens in spring 2018.

Criteria in engineering, technology and manageability

The RMCC gives a phase to moving talks and sessions investigating the conference’s subjects: future and development. Agents of the meetings industry are set to experience the most recent media and events technology at the center. The RMCC is additionally making waves in the zone of maintainability. Toward the begin of development it got the platinum grant from the German Sustainable Building Council and is supporting the supportability code for the meetings area “right and fair “. The venue for MEXCON 2018 likewise has the benefit of good availability by virtue of its central area in the Rhein-Main range near Frankfurt Airport.

Wiesbaden after Berlin – the following MEXCON area

One year from now’s MEXCON will likewise have the Summer Meeting of the ICCA Central European Chapter. The Chapter is one of the biggest inside ICCA.

The conference coordinators clarify the purposes for picking Wiesbaden as the new host city:

“MEXCON has occurred three times in Berlin since 2012 and is currently immovably settled as a noteworthy component in the German talking meetings scene. The change to another host city underlines the expansive base of the meetings division in Germany. Countless estimated urban communities add to the achievement of the meeting goal Germany and MEXCON gives them the chance to introduce themselves to the industry”, clarifies Matthias Schultze, Managing Director of the GCB German Convention Bureau e.V.

“As the new area for conventions, the RMCC is the perfect venue for MEXCON in 2018: with its exceedingly present-day design it perfectly outlines the subjects of the conference: future and advancement”, includes Joachim König, President of the European Association of Event Centres (EVVC).

Martin Michel, managing executive of the RMCC says: “We are extremely upbeat to have MEXCON 2018 in Wiesbaden as the primary post-Berlin venue. The events area can anticipate a shiny new, exceedingly current and compositionally noteworthy conference centre and for us it is a significant privilege to welcome the delegates of the industry among the principal visitors in the new RMCC.”
