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CIEO thanks the Ministry of Commerce, the Trade Fair Industry thanks CIEO


There is no more minimum booth size of 12 sqm or an aisle of at least 5 m for B2B Exhibitions.

The Council of Indian Exhibition Organizers (CIEO) had called for an emergency meeting of exhibition organizers on February 1, immediately after the publication of the aforementioned SOPs (January 30), CIEO then launched a signature campaign to amend the SOP more than 200 Exhibition Organisers and Service Providers signed and supported the campaign.

Here is the revised SOP Order.

¬ The government issues the said SOP: January 30, 2021

¬ Emergency electronic meeting held by CIEO: February 1 where CIEO decides to push for the revision of the SOP and launches launch signature campaign. Makes representation to the Ministry of Commerce

¬ High-level CIEO delegates have their final meeting with Ministry officials: 19 March

¬ Ministry orders revision of SOP: 19 March

¬ Ministry issues revised SOP: 22 March

Rajan Sharma
Rajan Sharma-SC Member of CIEO

Encouraged by the results of the SOP amendment, Rajan Sharma, member of the CIEO Steering Committee who also chaired the CIEO delegation to the ministry said; “We are thankful to the entire Exhibition Industry, specially the organisers to support the signature campaign.

Rajan continued, “We are late in creating this unique forum for and from the exhibition organizers. However, we will address the major issues faced by the organizers and ensure that with CIEO becomes the voice of the Exhibition and Conference organisers operating in India.” 

“I encourage all exhibition organizers having their establishments in India, regardless of corporate background, to join and strengthen CIEO,” said Rajan Sharma.

Here is the full SOP OM dated 19-3-2021 to ITPO MHA MoHFW Revised SOP
